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Costello Rolled Eyes And Sighed During Witness Testimony


Judge Merchan Rebukes Robert Costello for Improper Decorum

Costello Rolled Eyes and Sighed During Witness Testimony

Jury Excused While Judge Addressed Costello's Behavior

Judge Juan Merchan has rebuked Robert Costello, a former federal prosecutor, for improper courtroom behavior during the trial of Michael Cohen, President Trump's former personal attorney. The incident occurred after witness Robert Costello rolled his eyes and let out an audible sigh during testimony.

Judge Merchan sent the jury out of the courtroom so he could give Costello a stern warning. Costello testified that Cohen told him that Trump had been unaware of the hush money payments made to Stormy Daniels during the 2016 presidential election.

The judge cited scheduling issues in giving the May 28 date. The defense is expected to rest its case on that date.

